

RULES (1977) Original 1977 document

1. Name
ICOM International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques

2. Aims
a. To provide a forum for members interested in the theory and practice of all aspects of museum architecture and museum techniques and the presentation of collections.
b. To advise ICOM in the formulation and execution of its policy within these spheres of interest.

3. Membership

Articles 10, 20 and 31 of the ICOM Statutes shall be taken as the basis for membership of ICAMT. Furthermore, it must be stressed that the Committee and the Board represent all the specialties in regard to the aims named in paragraph 2.

4. Meetings

ICAMT shall hold a plenary session at least once every three years on the occasion of the ICOM General Conference. At this meeting, it shall:
a. receive the Chairman’s triennial report;
b. examine reports from the working parties of the Committee;
c. adopt the Committee’s triennial program and determine financial requirements;
d. elect the Board of the Committee;
e. revise its list of members.

The Board should call other necessary meetings of the Committee.

Decisions of the Board, Committee and working parties shall be by majority vote and in the event of level voting, the final decision will rest the Chairman.

The quorum for each body shall be 25% of its membership.

5. The Board

a. The Board shall comprise the Chairman, the Secretary,  and seven other members. The members of the Board shall represent as much as possible the different geographical regions.  They will be elected for a period of three years at a plenary session of the Committee, but may not serve in the same capacity for more than six consecutive years.
b. The Board will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Committee, but may not serve in the same capacity for more than six Consecutive years.
c. The Board will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Committee with power to act on urgent matters.

6. Workings Parties

The Committee may set up working parties to consider specialized matters, and shall elect their Chairmen. The working party may introduce other persons (who need not be members of ICOM) to assist in its work. They shall not exceed 40% of the membership of the working party.

7. Other activities

The Committee may:
a. hold funds to assist in the execution of its work;  such funds may be obtained from ICOM, payment volontary from the members of the Committee or from subsidies gifts, legacies;
b. have its own publications;
c. set up regional sections.

8.  Alteration of Rules

These Rules may be changed at a Plenary Session of the Committee by a two-thirds majority of the voting members present.